All links to “live charts” will be expired by following dates:

  • December 31st
  • April 30st
  • August 31st


Bob is interested to enroll on July 30th, and since Live chart will expire on August 31st, instead of paying full amount for 1 month, it’s possible to pay value of 5 months (296+74) and by end of August Bob will get new link that will expire on December 31st.

Minimum value to join this service is 4 months ($296)!

Another example:

Elena is interested to join on February 1st, and since current live chart ends on April 30th, Elena should decide if to pay full amount for 3 months, or to pay in advance for next 4 months (until August 30th) + paying for proportionate time of current period (74*3 + 296)

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