Crypto weekly forecast Dec 5th – 11th

Bitcoin temporal rally to take place meantime XRP to move lower! 

Bitcoin is the answer to any upcoming regulations, censoring, sanctions on your account / money during 2020;  recently, Bitcoin back in levels that some institutions may loose interest in but good for people to accumulate it when considered “hated” (last opportunity to crypto accumulation in low price is March 2020) 

Bitcoin rally ahead (not to moon neither XRP) _ Nov 7th – 14th

After the jump from 7400 to 9500 in end of October, first week of November was a slide that its purpose was kind of spending time until getting aligned with my projection line same thing with Ethereum. 

From November 11th-12th Full moon in Taurus will initiate strong rally  that its purpose to ”juice out” the market from accumulation started in last May.

I’m ”worry” for XRP ..